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LibreOffice for Mac v.3.4.4 LibreOffice is the free power-packed Open Source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math.LibreOffice Portable v.3.4.4 LibreOffice Portable is a full-featured office suite - including a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, drawing package and database - packaged as a portable app, so you can take all your documents and everything you need to work with.Dragging and dropping a recipe from your Internet browser or word processor directly into CookWare Deluxe makes adding recipes really fast. Ware Deluxe v.2.8 CookWare Deluxe makes collecting and organizing your recipes really simple.It is lighting fast, well documented, and the commercial version comes with lots of examples and great support.Requirements. NetLedIt! v.3.0.1 NetLedIt! 3.0.1 is created to be a helpful and simple-to-use word processor rich text Netscape plugin.However, you can only use text and tables if saving as *.Doc. GeoWord, has the advantage of being compatible with MS Word. GeoWord v.1.5 A very easy to use word processor.GeoWord is a very simple, but very handy freeware word processing editor.Cookware Deluxe v.3.2 CookWare Deluxe makes collecting and organizing your recipes really simple.Bean is Open Source, fully Cocoa, and is available free of charge! MS Word, OpenOffice, etc. Bean v.3.0.4 Bean is a small, easy-to-use word processor (or more precisely, a rich text editor), designed to make writing convenient, efficient and comfortable.The program autosaves your progress, and reloads the last files you had open to make it easy to.
FocusWriter for Mac OS X v. The FocusWriter application was designed to be a fullscreen, distraction-free word processor designed to immerse you as much as possible in your work.